Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Introduction

    • Welcome To The Course

    • What's This All About?

    • Why You Are Here

    • Inspiration

    • About Your Instructor

    • How To Use This Course

    • Outline & Objectives

  • 2

    The Fundamentals

    • Know Thyself

  • 3

    The Alchemical Transformation

    • Introducing the Three Vital Steps

    • Nigredo Introduction

    • Albedo Introduction

    • Rubedo Introduction

  • 4


    • Introduction

    • Why Nigredo?

    • The Nigredo Mindset

    • The Old What

    • The Real Why

    • The Alternative Reality


Welcome to the Course

Welcome to Synaptic Alchemy: The Art & Science of Turning Ideas Into Gold.

I'm so excited that you have decided to join me on this journey. You are going to learn time tested and real world proven strategies, processes, and mindsets that will help you take the ideas in your head and imprint them on the ground in the real world with great success.